At Calhoun Compounding Pharmacy, we use a certified sterile lab for compounds requiring a sterile preparation environment.



At Calhoun Compounding we strive to meet all of our patients needs no matter what the challenge, complication or concern may be. Here are a few specific categories that we are here to help you, your loved one and the physician:

  • Compounding for Autism
  • Dental Compounding
  • Dermatologic Compounding
  • Pediatric Compounding
  • Pain Management
  • Preservative Free Compounding
  • Sports Medicine
  • Wound Care and Hospice
  • Veterinary Compounding



Women's Health:

At Calhoun Compounding, we take care of the whole patient, with the ultimate goal of improving overall health and well-being. For many patients, hormone balance is just the first step towards a whole new life.

Andropause is a routinely under-diagnosed and under-treated condition of hormone imbalance that may be related to decreased testosterone and increased estrogens in aging men.

For more information on Women's and Men's health, please click here.


You've probably heard more about hormones and hormonal imbalances recently - as researchers have become more aware of evidence showing this may be the root cause of many chronic health issues you could be experiencing.

Your hormones should exist in harmony with each other. When levels of each hormone are in the right proportions, body systems are stable. When balance is lost, hormone deficiencies and excesses can cause chronic symptoms and disorders, and raise risks for disease.

A whole host of symptoms may signify an imbalance:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Weight Gain
  • Irritability
  • Infertility
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of libido (sex drive)
  • Depression



Today's diets are depleted of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and other nutrients due to the decreasing quality of our food supply and busy lifestyles. Combining a healthy diet and dietary supplements is the best approach to achieve optimal health.

Read more here